Back by popular demand, you will now find the Indian Tiger and the Asian Panther hand-fans prowling around our website. These are the ultimate in slinky goodness, 100% hand-made in Spain using luxury mongoy wood and mounted with beautiful, hand screen-printed fabrics.
Also back in stock we have firm favourites the Rodeo Rider and the Texan Star. Made with embellished sparkly fabrics and Khu Khu exclusive studded leather pendants, make a statement and have fun with these wild and wonderful hand-fans.
As ever, we make limited numbers of all our hand-fans - all of which are handmade and hand-finished, here in Spain.
Hello Tiger! Much loved Indian Tiger now back in stock
Back by popular demand, you will now find the Indian Tiger and the Asian Panther hand-fans prowling around our website. These are the ultimate in slinky goodness, 100% hand-made in Spain using luxury mongoy wood and mounted with beautiful, hand screen-printed fabrics.
Also back in stock we have firm favourites the Rodeo Rider and the Texan Star. Made with embellished sparkly fabrics and Khu Khu exclusive studded leather pendants, make a statement and have fun with these wild and wonderful hand-fans.
As ever, we make limited numbers of all our hand-fans - all of which are handmade and hand-finished, here in Spain.
A post shared by khukhulondon (@khukhulondon)