Another exciting step for Khu Khu - We are very happy to announce that we now have new super-star UK agents, ThreadNotBare on board. Introducing us to the best fan-friendly retailers for SS/17, they've been super busy already showing the fans in London and Paris.. (see separate blog post for pics of the London Fashion Week showroom and event photos.) Thread Not Bare come with a wealth of experience and I am looking forward to where the future takes us!
For all wholesale enquiries please contact Anna Cohen
And you can also buy certain ranges from the Flight of Fancy Collection via their website
You can follow ThreadNotBare here...
New Agents - Thread Not Bare
Another exciting step for Khu Khu - We are very happy to announce that we now have new super-star UK agents, ThreadNotBare on board. Introducing us to the best fan-friendly retailers for SS/17, they've been super busy already showing the fans in London and Paris.. (see separate blog post for pics of the London Fashion Week showroom and event photos.) Thread Not Bare come with a wealth of experience and I am looking forward to where the future takes us!
For all wholesale enquiries please contact Anna Cohen
And you can also buy certain ranges from the Flight of Fancy Collection via their website
You can follow ThreadNotBare here...