On Friday we released our first spot into the world everyone. "KHU KHU TO YOU" is a fun, colourful and slick little film emanating the brands personality perfectly. I would like to thank personally Nik Castello of UNIK FILMS and Raul Navarro for making such a great film.. and below is a list of the WHOLE team without whose support it would have been impossible to make.
Sebastian Ruiz Navas
Paloma Gandía Izquierdo
Eguzki López Ferrari
Lidia Fortea Fiorrez
Alex Kravchuck
Cindy Vanderpool Astruells
Equipo de Baile
Pastor Obiang Nchama
Hermes Muatetema Quiñones
Silvestre Juan Mba-Ntutumo Obama
Arte y Vestuario
Arancha Rodriguez
Equipo de Maquillaje
Vanesa Ribera Sanz
Alicia Martínez Lerída
Beverly Linette
Perla Rojas
Equipo de Peluquería
Lydia Fortea Fierrez
Janire Iglesias Pérez
Sandra Valdés Angel
Equipo técnico
Ramón Copete (Asistente)
Jose Luis Sanchez Bernal (Iluminación y electricidad)
Khu Khu proudly presents "Khu Khu to You"
On Friday we released our first spot into the world everyone. "KHU KHU TO YOU" is a fun, colourful and slick little film emanating the brands personality perfectly. I would like to thank personally Nik Castello of UNIK FILMS and Raul Navarro for making such a great film.. and below is a list of the WHOLE team without whose support it would have been impossible to make.
Sebastian Ruiz Navas
Paloma Gandía Izquierdo
Eguzki López Ferrari
Lidia Fortea Fiorrez
Alex Kravchuck
Cindy Vanderpool Astruells
Equipo de Baile
Pastor Obiang Nchama
Hermes Muatetema Quiñones
Silvestre Juan Mba-Ntutumo Obama
Arte y Vestuario
Arancha Rodriguez
Equipo de Maquillaje
Vanesa Ribera Sanz
Alicia Martínez Lerída
Beverly Linette
Perla Rojas
Equipo de Peluquería
Lydia Fortea Fierrez
Janire Iglesias Pérez
Sandra Valdés Angel
Equipo técnico
Ramón Copete (Asistente)
Jose Luis Sanchez Bernal (Iluminación y electricidad)
Jose Dahoui ( Foto Fija)
Unik Films
Vortice Media
Los tres bigotes
Hadas Pin Up
Manolo Rodriguez
Keny Velon
Un Mil Gracias.
Que disfrutes el video! Victoria xx